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Kia Blows Jump And Rolls Down Hill
This guy blows a jump and sends his Kia crashing down a hill. I wonder if he knows there are easier ways to let your parents know that you really didn't want a Kia.
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This is a stunning building implosion in the middle of a dense urban area. It's also the last step in finally getting rid of bedbugs.
Comments: 1
Brace yourself, what is without doubt the best scene in the whole Back To The Future series is about to get the dubstep treatment. If you are of a nervoue disposition or just hate dubstep, look away now!
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Jumping into a pool that has a thin layer of ice over the top is a testicle shrinking prospect. It still beats the idea of jumping into a pool that consists of nothing but ice though. Epic buttock bruise inbound.
Comments: 1
Take one game show: 'The Price Is Right', edit out all the boring game-show bits and cut to the audience (the frmale sector) running down to the stage to play the game. NOW you have a show worth watching!
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This kid attempts to crack a pinata with a loaf of bread but ends up smacking his friend in the face. Absolutely brilliant, thats all there is to say about it.
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While it may be mischevious and a total waste of police time and resources, you can't deny that it's the most colorful controlled explosion you've ever seen. So good that it almost looks fake. Fake and gay?
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Not all little blue pills are made equal - this one does so much more than simply not 'letting you down' !!
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This is like, literally, like, Rachel Zoe literally saying literally, like, literally, all the time. I'm literally going to slice my ears off with her teeth if she says literally one more time.
Comments: 2
The rock rabble-rousers who formed half a century ago played Britain’s Glastonbury Festival on Saturday, their debut appearance at the country’s most prestigious rock music event.
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An amazingly skilled stunt pilot loses one of his plane's wings during flight and manages to land it safely without causing himself or any of the onlookers any damage or injury—chances are it's totally fake though.
Comments: 2